Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Phew! Well we are here in Kansas City! We live less than a block away from where we were living last summer, so we know the area, which is nice. It's also great to have friends here already. Our apartment is pretty small, but not as small as I expected it to be. But hallelujah everything is all on the same floor! I don't have to walk all the way to the corner of the basement to do laundry, and I don't have to worry about Ethan falling on the slippery wooden stairs. I'm also enjoying the coziness of carpet. Although I did love our hardwood floors.

This is such a boring post but not much has been going on besides unpacking and getting settled. Here's some pictures I've taken of Ethan lately.

He's started to try and bounce balls like a basketball.. he's not very good at it.

And he's also into jumping. Here's a video for Grandma and Grandpa.

There Dad, a post just for you!