Thursday, October 23, 2008


So, Ross's birthday was actually on the 5th of this month, but I'm a little slow. So here are some pictures of the festivities.

I actually had this whole elaborate scheme planned to surprise Ross on the Friday before his birthday to go camping. I had outsiders involved in the scheming, I packed up everything in secret, I had a babysitter planned for Ethan. Well. Ross came home from work early that day, (I had planned on picking him up and taking him to the campsite), and therefore saw more than enough clues on the living room floor (a tent, flashlights, marshmallows, etc.) to give it all away. Fortunately we had a good time anyway, and the outsiders involved became a part of the party.

This was a gift and I thought,
"what on earth are we going to use this for?"
well it turned out to be quite handy:

The next day we used the tickets my parents gave us to the K-State game! It was a lot of fun. But K-State lost pretty bad. Which is why we look so sad.

Then for his actual birthday I gave him some presents and we had dinner and cake with my family. The cake was Carrot and Ross's mom gave it to him a week prior so he could save it for his birthday. It was delicious.

Okay, about getting presents for Ross. He is the WORST!! I know pretty much all guys are hard to buy presents for, but Ross is among the top I think. He is way cheap, err... frugal. So he doesn't want me to spend any money on him, unless it's a good deal. Well, I NEVER find good deals, so that was basically out of the question. He wants something practical. Well, I guess that's not too hard, but then we go back to the 'only if it's a good deal!' thing... He doesn't really have any hobbies right now, because of work and school... it's pretty tough. But, I came up with something pretty good I think. He works at a bank, which means he must wear a shirt and tie every day. Well my poor Ross (bless his heart) can't really match a darn thing. He's always coming in and waking me up and asking if this tie goes with these pants, and do they both go with this shirt? So I made him a chart. This is one page of four.

He liked it!

Phew that was long! Sorry. My hubby is 25 years old! He doesn't look a day over 18 though, does he? I know, I know. I don't either.


Britany said...

aww! good job lauren. sorry dan and i couldn't help. Ross told me about his present. Seriously, that is genius. I might steal it someday.

Lonna said...

Wow a matching clothes chart, that is a great idea. I think that there are more than enough men out there that need one of those. Brilliant.

I have to say that I know where you are coming from on the present issue, James is really tricky and as far as surprises go, nothing ever works out. But I just keep thinking that next time will be better, and so I continue the vicious cycle.

Happy birthday Ross, and good luck with the charts.

The P Family said...

Love your post! So interesting! Hahaha!!!! I love your present idea because it reminded me of my dad. Ugh, he's so hard to find a gift for, too! (My dad LOVES to receieve food for presents!) So starting about 3 years ago, I gave him a gift card- the last two years was giving him his favorite candy store's, "See's Candy," gift card. Worked everytime.
BTW- Happy Birthday, Ross!

Syl said...

What a great idea for a gift! Very imaginative and clever and actually useful! I am impressed! Happy birthday Ross!

Tannie Smith said...

Lauren that is hilarious you made a chart. I think I need one for my hubby too. Only he doesn't ask first, I just get to point out later that, no, in fact, that tie does NOT go with that shirt...or those pants...or those shoes.

emilie s. d. p. said...

Happy Birthday Ross!
...and Lauren, that is the most awesome chart ever! I kinda wish I had one...I sometimes have to ask my husband in the morning if my outfits match (shoes with the shirt, etc.).

Becky said...

Lauren, that is the coolest idea ever! I love the chart!